
How much can I sell my business for?

The decision for a business owner to sell their business can be incredibly exciting, yet nerve-wracking as it may be a process you are new to and are unsure of where to start. Moreover, the retail climate or potential of you wanting to change career could be adding extra stress to your plate. It is very likely therefore that you are looking for an effective solution to give you a guaranteed sale in this complex process. At FastCash4Houses, we are here to ensure that the future of your business is successful and that you get your monetary value when you sell it. A starting point when it comes to selling a business for owners is usually how much they are going to sell it for. But where do you begin, how much do you sell it for and how do you know if you are getting the value for its worth? In this article, we will be providing you with the essential information for the first step in this all-important venture.

How do I calculate the value of my business?

Calculating the value of your business is much simpler than it may sound. To calculate the value of your business, you find the difference between assets and liabilities. With the asset-based method, you compartmentalise your business into those that add value (assets) and those that do not (liabilities).

A valuation of your business can be incredibly useful, not only to ensure you receive a fair payment but also to prove a credible worth to potential buyers. In order to receive a trusted valuation, contact a professional business appraiser who is guaranteed to be objective. They will also take responsibility for producing an extensive explanation of your business’s worth.

What factors affect the value of my business?

In a similar way to selling a house, the business market fluctuates and will affect your sale. The best advice we can give is to keep an eye on trends and to try and put your business on the market at the best possible time. An important point to consider is to wait until your documents are prepared and that you do not rush into selling your business.

How can FastCash4Houses help you?

At FastCash4Houses, we have years of experience with supporting our clients in selling their business. Regardless of your motives, we are guaranteed to have successfully dealt with a similar case. We will provide you with many options to exit that ensure the safety of your business, and a good deal for you. Our team will evaluate your business and provide you with an offer based on either your current business value and/or assets and properties.

Our three easy steps comprise you telling us about the property, giving you a no-obligation cash offer within 24 hours and then finally processing the property valuation. We are here to support you every step of the way and achieve your goals with effective solutions. To find out more, visit our website, or speak directly to a member of our team on [email protected] or 01204 294356. At FastCash4Houses, we are here to take the stress out of selling your business.

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How to sell a leasehold business

Yes, a leasehold business can be sold. A leasehold business is a business with a lease agreement in place for a property which is used